
¿Qué es la poesía?

“La poesía, principio y fin de todo, es indefinible. Si se pudiera definir, su definidor sería el dueño de su secreto, el dueño de ella. Y el secreto de la poesía no lo ha sabido, no lo sabe, no lo sabrá nunca nadie(…)"

What is Poetry?

“Poetry is the beginning and the end of everything, is indefinable. If poetry could be definable, the one who could do it will become the owner of its secret, its own owner. But poetry’s secret has never been found, it is not know, nobody never will know it (…)”

Juan Ramón Jiménez


Andrea and Kim said…
Belinda, I think poetry is the creation found deep within us! We all express that creativity differently, but I believe at the core of it we all find love.

This is a beautiful and haunting painting...I see a great deal of your culture in this work!

Quite lovely, indeed!
Ayayema said…
Hola... vi tu trabajo para el poema... me pareció sobrecogedor, pero más me ha impresionado lo que miro en tu página... realmente hermoso, me cuativaron las formas y los colores.
Un abrazo.

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