Self Portraits/ AutoRetratos

Every artists during her or his life time has always portraying herself or himself, some times unaware of the fact that she or he is doing it. I do not know the reason behind this process, but I do it all the time and it is very interesting to see how much the perception of you has change over the years. And the most amazing thing to see is how much you have been growing as artists, how much your style or way to work changed.
I place the entire self portraits that I have together to see this, and I was impressed of how much I have changed not only as a person, but as an artists. People always tell me that I portrait myself in every women I paint, but I never look at that possibility until today.I want to share with you my growth as a woman and as an artist.

"Untitle" 1987

"My Door" 1991

"Abel & I" 2000

"Time" 2003

"Belinda" 2007

Todo artista se ha retratado en su vida más de un ocasión, muchas veces inconciente del hecho de estar haciéndolo. No puedo encontrar la razón detrás de este proceso, pero lo hago todo el tiempo y es muy interesante ver como tu propia percepción ha cambiado durante todos estos años. Y lo mas interesante es ver como has crecido como artista plástico y tu estilo personal ha cambiado.
Puse todos mis autorretratos juntos para ver este proceso y lo que más me impresiono no fue solo lo mucho que he cambiado como persona, si no como artista. La gente siempre me ha dicho que me autorretrato en cada mujer que pinto, pero esta posibilidad lucia remota hasta este momento. Quiero compartir con ustedes lo mucho que he crecido como artista y como mujer.

Belinda Shinshillas


Andrea and Kim said…
You are so right, Belinda! The power of taking a closer look at our own process and progression is tremendous. As you have encouraged me to do before, I also encourage others to take your advice to review from where they have been to be able to see more clearly where they might be headed.

You are a very wise woman! I love these paintings and love seeing your artists' progression.

Thanks Belinda!
Rodolfo Serrano said…
Gracias, belinda, por compartir con nosotros tantas cosas
CarmenS said…
Preciosos los cuadros. Pero sobre todo, fantástico que tú te veas reflejada en tu obra y evolucionando hacia una mejora que te satisface.

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