Mi Forma de Sentir.

Cada vez que veo salir el sol como hoy
nada mas puedo pensar en ti mi amor
la distancia no es razón para dejar
la esperanza de algun dia volverte a besar.

Cuando estoy yo solo en casa y me pongo a pensar
que conoces a alguien que de amor te pueda hablar
pero de una cosa estoy seguro o mujer
que lo que hay entre los dos nadie puede deshacer.

Cuando al fin el dia llege en que te vuelva a ver
No te dejare partir pues podria enloquecer
Nada en este mundo tendria su razón de ser
Si tu amor yo nunca hubiera podido conocer.

Solo tu... solo tu
que conoces mi forma de sentir,
mi forma de reir y hasta mi forma de llorar,
slo tu sabes adonde voy
solo tu sabes muy bien quien soy.

My Way To Feel.

Every time I see the sun rise like today
I can only think in you my love
distant is not a reason to let go
the hope of kissing you again some day.

When I am alone at home thinking
you may know someone who can talk to you about love
but of one thing I am very sure my love
that the thing between us nobody can destroy.

When the day finally comes in which I will see you again
I would not let you go, because I would be out of my mind
nothing in this world would make any sense
if I would not know your love.

Only you...only you
who knows my way of feel
my way of laugh and even my way of cry.
Only you know where I go
only you know very well who I am.

La Revolución del Amor


Andrea and Kim said…
Beautiful, as always, Belinda! Her pose is so thoughtful, so quiet, so sad (?) As with most women, she has the need to understand and can't quite find the right connections for it to make sense.

As always your beautiful paintings remind me to take stock in what I know and in what I do not know.

Thank you, Belinda! Keep painting and keep reminding me!
Roshanda said…
What a beautiful painting! I love it!!
Michael Alford said…
This painting has a beautiful sense of isolation. I ask myself, is the lovely woman missing something or someone. The poem is absolutely wonderful. Your words are as vivid as your palette. Keep being fearless and exploring your creative endevours and inspirations.
Abril Pérez said…
ivyrbamPrecioso Belinda
como todo lo que escribes y como todo lo que pintas, cada día me gustas mas.

Gracias por el inestimable apoyo y las palabras de animo.
El martes pasado conocí a Rodolfo, le di un beso enorme y me temblaron las piernas como a Bambi, es un tio genial.


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