A Passing Glimpse

A Passing Glimpse

I often see flowers from a passing car
That are gone before I can tell what they are.

I want to get out of the train and go back
To see what they were beside the track.

I name all the flowers I am sure they weren't;
Not fireweed loving where woods have burnt--

Not bluebells gracing a tunnel mouth--
Not lupine living on sand and drouth.

Was something brushed across my mind
That no one on earth will ever find?

Heaven gives its glimpses only to those
Not in position to look too close.

Robert Frost.


Michael Alford said…
Robert Frost is a shining example of people not taking time in life to appreciate the simple pleasures and gifts in life. It seems for many, those days don't even exist. This pairing is a good reminder.
Andrea and Kim said…
Thank you Belinda for reminding us, again! I love these natural paintings a lot...so much depth. These two art forms encourages us to pause...what this world needs more of today.

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