Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again.

Dear, if you change, I’ll never choose again;
Sweet, if you shrink, I’ll never think of love;
Fair, if you fail, I’ll judge all beauty vain;
Wise, if too weak, more wits I’ll never prove.
Dear, sweet, fair, wise,-change, shrink, nor be not weak;
And on my faith, my faith shall never break.

Earth with her flowers shall sooner heaven adorn;
Heaven her bright stars through, earth’s dim globe shall move;
Fire heat shall lose, and frosts of flame be born;
Air, made to shine, as black as hell shall prove:
Earth, heaven, fire, air, the world transformed shall view,
Ere I prove false to faith, or strange to you.

John Dowland


Andrea and Kim said…
Belinda! This is so very beautiful! Your women are so well known by you...I can tell that! This is not only intimate, but somehow makes me understand the meaning of woman! You capture so much more than the image!

As always, BEAUTIFUL!

Michael Alford said…
This new work show an inside look at femininity. The soft curves blended with a brilliant range of color is very intising and inviting. Continue your exploration and follow your creative heart.
Unknown said…
hello i am lookign for some of my poems..
can u paint for me..
i dont think i can pay u anything..
i am too poor for tht..
i am writing a poem for my gf..
i thought it will look good if i have a panting too..
my email

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