
Showing posts from September, 2011

Beautiful Nature.


The Sky Today.

The Sky Today, Beautiful...


Indefatigable torrent that flows without stop, leaving behind the ineffaceable memory that I loved. Minutes that will never come back again, seconds that I lived in an eternity that will continue telling my truth. Time that will last forever and will not give back a caress, a gaze… time that never hears the words that no one talked, the words that someone held… time that never forgets the flow of my love. by Belinda Shinshillas.


Torrente incansable que corre sin parar, dejando al pasar el recuerdo imborrable de que yo amé. Minutos que nunca jamás volverán, segundos vividos dentro de la eternidad que se quedarán relatando mi verdad. Tiempo que sobra, y que jamás regresará una caricia, una mirada... tiempo verdugo de lo que no se habló, de lo que se calló... tiempo que no perdona el correr del aroma de este mi amor. Belinda Shinshillas

Life is simply beautiful.

Life is like the blue sky, simple but beautiful... Belinda Shinshillas. Picture by Michael Alford.
Belinda Shinshillas portrait with love by Michael Alford.

In The Desert

"In the Desert of the heart, Let the healing start; In the prison of his days, Teach the free man to praise." by W.H.Auden

The perfect person....

We meet the perfect person in unexpected places.