The Most Wonderful Haiku

These Haiku are the product of a wonderful mind... soul... and heart. Enjoy them as much as I do, I simply adore them. Estas poesias Haiku son el producto de una mente... alma... y corazón extraordinarios, yo simplemente los adoro (pedire permiso al dueño para traducirlos al Español).

Sweet Dreams.
Who do you think of
In the quiet hours of night
Lying in your bed.

Wild Horses.
Thoughts of you run wild
Like wild horses on the plains
The plains of my mind.

Your always with me
A potho in my journal
Your words in my heart.

Kiss the Stars.
Kiss the stars with me
Burn these lips like desert sun
Quench my thirst like rain.


Andrea and Kim said…
Belinda, you are right, these are absolutely beautiful haiku. I also love this painting. Is it a new one for you? I really love the peacefulness of the painting...the reflective qualities. The haiku are also that way! Not only fabulous to pair, but also fabulous standing alone!

Thank you so much, Belinda.
Michael Alford said…
Thank you for sharing these Haiku. The are written in the traditional parameters but with a very comtemporary context. They are a wonderful compliment to your artwork.

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