
Showing posts from March, 2008

De Todas las Historias/ Nuestra Historia

De Todas las Historias. De todas las historias, y si puedo, he de elegir la nuestra. La que nunca saldrá en los calendarios ni en los libros escritos. La que tu y yo dejamos pintada en las paredes y en las sabanas. Aquella que no tiene hazañas que contar más allá de nosotros. De todas las más bellas epopeyas, prefiero la marcada en tus labios benditos, la heroica odisea de una noche contigo. El cansancio sin sudor de los dioses en cualquier madrugada, la conquista sin sangre de aquella fortaleza que llamaba tu cuerpo. De todas las historias, me quedo con tu nombre, Aunque nadie lo sepa, Aunque ya no sea mió. Rodolfo Serrano. From all the Histories. From all the histories, if I can, I would choose ours. The one who never will be in a calendar either in a written book. The one that you and I left painted over the walls and on the sheets. That one who does not have feat to tell beyond ourselves. From all the most beautiful epic tales, I choose the one it is mark between your blessing lips...


¿Qué es la poesía? “La poesía, principio y fin de todo, es indefinible. Si se pudiera definir, su definidor sería el dueño de su secreto, el dueño de ella. Y el secreto de la poesía no lo ha sabido, no lo sabe, no lo sabrá nunca nadie(…)" What is Poetry? “Poetry is the beginning and the end of everything, is indefinable. If poetry could be definable, the one who could do it will become the owner of its secret, its own owner. But poetry’s secret has never been found, it is not know, nobody never will know it (…)” Juan Ramón Jiménez
Love, Hate, Happiness, Pain, Faith, Doubtfulness … Are Emotions and Perceptions Contained Inside Life's Dreams. Life Is Just a Moment In TimeAn Instant Kept In Our Memory. Amor, Odio, Felicidad, Dolor, Fe, Duda… Son Emociones y Percepciones Contenidas Dentro De Los Sueños de Nuestra Vida. La Vida Es Solo Un Momento En El Tiempo Un Instante Atrapado en Nuestra Memoria. Belinda Shinshillas.
Juegos del Amor. Toca y huele mi sexo puro, limpio y virginal porque aunque ya tocado nunca ha sido amado. Saborea toda mi carne que caliente esta esperando por tus dedos, por tu boca ser caminada, besada…. acariciada hasta ser terminada a mordiscos por tus labios. Hazme el amor….mi amor primero muy lentamente prosiguiendo al torrente que desborden tus ríos por entre mis piernas. Fúndete en mi piel suave como la seda de las sabanas en la cama donde nuestros cuerpos juegan y retozan muriendo otras muertes y cayendo cansados….inertes. Duérmete a mi lado y respirando mi aliento muérete otra vez dentro de mi cuerpo que una vez más has de navegar. Love’s Delights. Touch and smell my sex pure, clean and virginal but while already touched it has never been loved. Taste my entire flesh That warm it is waiting by your fingers, by your mouth been walk, kiss….caress until finished by nibbles from your lips Make love to me….my love starting very slowly follow by the torrent overflowed by your rive...
Que Suerte. Que suerte ser aquellos vientos que se deslizan por tu piel recorriendo lentamente los caminos que conducen a los más profundo de todo tu entero ser. Que maravilla ser la lluvia que moja tu cara en los meses de julio y entre los vapores del día convertirme en parte de ti. Que deseo de ser solo amor y así penetrar tu alma y entregarte a ti el calor de mi cuerpo haciéndote el amor. Que suerte, que maravilla, que deseo mas profundo en esta vida de entregarme a ti mi amor y olvidarme de lo que trae el día, tan solo amarte sin descanso y terminar dormida en tu regazo. How Lucky. How lucky to be the wind that flows through your skin crossing very slowly the roads that lead to deepest of your entire being. How wonderful be the rain that drench your face during the months of July and between the mist of the day become part of yourself. How idyllic desire of been just love and then soak in your soul giving you the warmhearted of my body making love to you. How lucky, how wonderful, ...
"Sus dudas comenzaron a ablandarse con el sudor de sus cuerpos; Terminaron por diluirse en el primer orgasmo." "Their doubts started to get soft through the sweat of their bodies; They ended up diluted between the first orgasms." By Abraham Chinchillas.

i like my body

i like my body when it is with your body. It is so quite new a thing. Muscles better and nerves more. i like your body. i like what it does, i like its hows. i like to feel the spine of your body and its bones, and the trembling -firm-smooth ness and which i will again and again and again kiss, i like kissing this and that of you, i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes over parting flesh....And eyes big love-crumbs, and possibly i like the thrill of under me you so quite new. E.E. Cummings P.S. This is what you feel when you really love.


ALBA Mi corazón oprimido siente junto a la alborada el dolor de sus amores y el sueño de las distancias. La luz de la aurora lleva semillero de nostalgias y la tristeza sin ojos de la médula del alma. La gran tumba de la noche su negro velo levanta para ocultar con el día la inmensa cumbre estrellada. ¡Qué haré yo sobre estos campos cogiendo nidos y ramas,rodeado de la aurora y llena de noche el alma! ¡Qué haré si tienes tus ojos muertos a las luces claras y no ha de sentir mi carne el calor de tus miradas! ¿Por qué te perdí por siempre en aquella tarde clara? Hoy mi pecho está reseco como una estrella apagada. Federico Garcia Lorca P.D. Encontrare mas poesia y mucha mas.

Blue-Butterfly Day

Blue-Butterfly Day It is blue-butterfly day here in spring, And with these sky-flakes down in flurry on flurry There is more unmixed color on the wing Than flowers will show for days unless they hurry. But these are flowers that fly and all but sing: And now from having ridden out desire They lie closed over in the wind and cling Where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire. Robert Frost. P.S. I will find more...and more.

A Passing Glimpse

A Passing Glimpse I often see flowers from a passing car That are gone before I can tell what they are. I want to get out of the train and go back To see what they were beside the track. I name all the flowers I am sure they weren't; Not fireweed loving where woods have burnt-- Not bluebells gracing a tunnel mouth-- Not lupine living on sand and drouth. Was something brushed across my mind That no one on earth will ever find? Heaven gives its glimpses only to those Not in position to look too close. Robert Frost.
Gota de Agua Quiero ser una simple gota una gota de agua pura para poderme evaporar y así hasta tu cielo viajar. Quiero convertirme en parte de las blancas nubes que miras en el cielo azul. Una simple gota de agua convertida en vapor de amor y así abultada con otras tantas reventar y en un súbito temblor caer una vez más en tu cara tierna…amada recorriendo los caminos de tu piel me deslizare por tu ser hasta llegar a tus labios mi amor…y así saciar tu sed. Quisiera ser esa gota de agua pequeña y frágil gota y poder evaporarme en el calor de pensarte y así terminar mi vida deslizándome por tu boca. Drop of Water I want to be a simple drop of water a drop of pure water then I could evaporate and the journey will start the journey to your sky. I want to become part of the white clouds you see in the blue sky. Just a simple drop of water becoming mist, mist of love and very close to other clouds blurt out in a tremble and fall down once more into your soft face…lovely face running into the...
Mi Forma de Sentir. Cada vez que veo salir el sol como hoy nada mas puedo pensar en ti mi amor la distancia no es razón para dejar la esperanza de algun dia volverte a besar. Cuando estoy yo solo en casa y me pongo a pensar que conoces a alguien que de amor te pueda hablar pero de una cosa estoy seguro o mujer que lo que hay entre los dos nadie puede deshacer. Cuando al fin el dia llege en que te vuelva a ver No te dejare partir pues podria enloquecer Nada en este mundo tendria su razón de ser Si tu amor yo nunca hubiera podido conocer. Solo tu... solo tu que conoces mi forma de sentir, mi forma de reir y hasta mi forma de llorar, slo tu sabes adonde voy solo tu sabes muy bien quien soy. My Way To Feel. Every time I see the sun rise like today I can only think in you my love distant is not a reason to let go the hope of kissing you again some day. When I am alone at home thinking you may know someone who can talk to you about love but of one thing I am very sure my love that the thing ...

The Most Wonderful Haiku

These Haiku are the product of a wonderful mind... soul... and heart. Enjoy them as much as I do, I simply adore them. Estas poesias Haiku son el producto de una mente... alma... y corazón extraordinarios, yo simplemente los adoro (pedire permiso al dueño para traducirlos al Español). Sweet Dreams. Who do you think of In the quiet hours of night Lying in your bed. Wild Horses. Thoughts of you run wild Like wild horses on the plains The plains of my mind. Photograph. Your always with me A potho in my journal Your words in my heart. Kiss the Stars. Kiss the stars with me Burn these lips like desert sun Quench my thirst like rain.

Self Portraits/ AutoRetratos

Every artists during her or his life time has always portraying herself or himself, some times unaware of the fact that she or he is doing it. I do not know the reason behind this process, but I do it all the time and it is very interesting to see how much the perception of you has change over the years. And the most amazing thing to see is how much you have been growing as artists, how much your style or way to work changed. I place the entire self portraits that I have together to see this, and I was impressed of how much I have changed not only as a person, but as an artists. People always tell me that I portrait myself in every women I paint, but I never look at that possibility until today.I want to share with you my growth as a woman and as an artist. "Untitle" 1987 "My Door" 1991 "Abel & I" 2000 "Time" 2003 "Belinda" 2007 Todo artista se ha retratado en su vida más de un ocasión, muchas veces inconciente del hecho de esta...

Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again.

Dear, if you change, I’ll never choose again; Sweet, if you shrink, I’ll never think of love; Fair, if you fail, I’ll judge all beauty vain; Wise, if too weak, more wits I’ll never prove. Dear, sweet, fair, wise,-change, shrink, nor be not weak; And on my faith, my faith shall never break. Earth with her flowers shall sooner heaven adorn; Heaven her bright stars through, earth’s dim globe shall move; Fire heat shall lose, and frosts of flame be born; Air, made to shine, as black as hell shall prove: Earth, heaven, fire, air, the world transformed shall view, Ere I prove false to faith, or strange to you. John Dowland