Hoy / Today

Hoy te he de ordenar
que como amante fiel
no pronuncies más sonido al hablar,
que tus ruidos al amar.

Hoy serás mi esclavo sumiso.
Te someterás a mi único deseo,
mi deseo de ser tan solo mió.

Hoy te voy a explorar
como hacen los hombres
con las tierras extrañas de alta mar.

Hoy serás parte de mis fantasías,
compartirás mis llantos y mis risas,
besaras mis montes y mis llanos
perdiéndote entre los cajones
de mis extravíos y mis engaños.

Hoy serás mió, solo mió.
Y mañana serás mi olvido.
Belinda Shinshillas

Today I must command
that as a good lover
you must say no word,
only whisper while you love.

Today you will be my slave.
You will do my wish,
my wish of being for myself.

Today I will explore your body
like men do every time
they go far away from home.

Today you will be part of my fantasy,
you will share my tears and laughs,
you will kiss my mountains and my plains
losing yourself between the drawers
of my omissions and rejections.

Today you will be only mine.
And tomorrow you will be my empty presence.
Belinda Shinshillas


Andrea and Kim said…
Belinda! This painting is wonderful, as is the poem. The painting is a juxtaposition of simplicity (the broom) and complexity (the architectural elements). I also love how the image, with the help of the words, leads you to understand the sweeper has been taken away to some place with far more color and life.


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