Esta pintura la realicé cuando comenzaba muy joven a tratar de ser pintora, es creo yo una idealización de como mi espíritu descendía a mi ilusión de ser una fuerza creadora… me gusta mucho mirarla cada vez que voy de visita a casa de mis padres en la ciudad de México. De alguna manera me hace sentir toda la ilusión que yo tenía cada vez que tomaba en mis manos un pincel.

I made this painting when very young I was trying to become an artist. It is in my vision of the idea of how my spirit was descending to become a painter, to become a creative force… I love to look at it every time I visit my parents’ home in Mexico City. In some way it makes me feel again all the dreams I used to have every time I took a brush in my hands.


Andrea and Kim said…
Belinda, it is amazing how much our early work impacts us. I know you said you were young and just beginning, however you clearly were able to express what you needed to express even then. It is quite beautiful and emotionally moving.

You always provide a visual feast here and on your web site.

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