Te veo

Te veo en todas las calles que camino
en el cielo de color azul profundo
azul profundo, como el color de tus ojos
que tanto extraña todo mi ser.

Mi alma extraña el calor que me das
extraña la fuerza y la ternura
que tu pecho y tus brazos me dan
cada vez que envuelven a mi cuerpo
haciéndolo parte de tu propio cuerpo
cóncavo y convexo, uniéndose en armonía.

Mi pensar extraña tu palabra bendita
que me hace estremecer con cada palabra
que convierte en poesía y la escribe
sobre mi piel, blanca y suave como la seda.

Te veo en cada minuto y cada segundo que vivo
en cada ráfaga de aire que mi ser respira
te veo dentro de mi vida, siempre conmigo
haciendo poesía cada noche de amor
compartida en el cansancio de rendirse
de tanto amar y seguir en el sueño
de ser parte de mi vida y parte de mi ser.

I See You

I see you in every road I walk
into the deep blue color of the sky
deep blue color, like the color of your eyes
that my heart misses so much.

My soul misses the warm you give me
misses the strength and the tenderness
that your chest and your arms give me
every time they swathe my body
making it part of your own body
concave and convex, united in harmony.

My thinking misses your blessing word
that makes me tremble with every word
and turns it into poetry and then writes it
over my skin, white and soft like the silk.

I see you in every minute, in every second I live
in every breath my whole being breathes
I see you inside of my life, always with me
making poetry in every night of love
share through the tiredness of surrendering
while making love and continued into the dream
of being part of my life and part of my being.

Belinda Shinshillas


Michael Alford said…
Another beautiful pairing of painting and poetry. There is a definitive development in your poetry. Use that inner strength, reflection, beauty and imagery to incorporate into some of your next paintings. They will continue to shine like you..
Andrea and Kim said…
Oh Belinda! This painting is incredible. I love the texture around the tree a lot! Of course your colors are always so intense and beautiful. And one cannot go wrong with the subject of trees...so many have been taken from this earth and we need to replant them...your painting is a grand reminder of how important they are.

The poem is really very, very beautiful. While I am very moved by each, you know it is the painting which I love so much, but don't have the words to express that.

Thanks Belinda!
Andrea and Kim said…
Hi Belinda,

You know how much I love your work. I also know you are very, very busy right now. But I have given you and your blog an award for Excellence. When you have the chance, stop by my blog and pick it up...

I hope you are finding some time for yourself, too.
Rodolfo Serrano said…
Ser parte de mi vida. Muy hoermsos, Belinda.
Felipe said…

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