because i love you) last night

because i love you)last night
clothed in sealace
appeared to me
your mind drifting
with chuckling rubbish
of pearl weed coral and stones;

lifted,and(before my
eyes sinking)inward,fled;softly
your face smile breasts gargled
by death:drowned only

again carefully through deepness to rise
these your wrists
thighs feet hands

to again utterly disappear;
rushing gently swiftly creeping
through my dreams last
night,all of your
body with its spirit floated
(clothed only in

the tide's acute weaving murmur

EE Cummings


Michael Alford said…
Your careful marriage of art and poetry reflects the beautiful creative light that burns in your heart. Continue to explore and share this wonderful light to the world and shine brightly everyday.

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