Life Is Just a Moment In Time,
An Instant Kept In Our Memory...
As in a Painting.
La Vida Es Solo Un Momento En El Tiempo,
Un Instante Atrapado en Nuestra Memoria...
Como en una Pintura.
Mexico City
Now that I can post my poems and pictures from my IPad I think it can be more often, I hope!
Todavía quedan restos de humedad sus olores llenan ya mi soledad en la cama su silueta se dibuja cual promesa de llenar el breve espacio en que no está. Todavía yo no sé si volverá nadie sabe al día siguiente lo que hará rompe todos mis esquemas, no confiesa ni una pena no me pide nada a cambio de lo que da. Suele ser violenta y tierna no habla de uniones eternas más se entrega cual si hubiera solo un día para amar, no comparte una reunión más le gusta la canción que comprometa su pensar. Todavía no pregunté: '¿te quedarás?' temo mucho a la respuesta de un '¡jamás!' la prefiero compartida antes que vaciar mi vida no es perfecta mas se acerca a lo que yo simplemente soñé. Pablo Milanes. I will translate this poem into english very soon.
DECIPHER Installation Decipher means translate from code, or more generally, to figure it out. Sometimes images include signs or icons that we cannot identify or that seem out of place. To be able to discover someone’s essence look at their eyes, and you will find it. Decipher is an installation of 12 oil paintings on aluminum panels 8 x 8 inches each that are part of the project Decoding the Purity of an Icon. This installation seeks to uncover the purity of a woman’s soul through the light and expressivity of their eyes. An individual's thoughts and feelings can be discovered by looking into his or her eyes. The great Roman philosopher Cicero said, "The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter." In Matthew the bible uncovers that, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light with...
Offerings through human history has been associated with religious and spiritual connotations making them an intricate part of human love and suffering. Even if we are beings with a very defined individuality, we have always lived with a group of peers crafting community and culture. Since we have developed ourselves as makers, giving has been a common practice in our own nature. Every time we create, we do it sharing, sometimes unconsciously and sometimes with a specific purpose. Being makers and creators compels us to give. Although, giving is a common form of offering in every community, artists and poets have made this practice a cultural conversation about spiritual connection, that is an ongoing practice. By recognizing the complexities of historical rituals of offering, we could add our own voices to our contemporary cultural conversation through the art of giving. Art speaks to us as a spiritual force that shakes our confort zone feeling devotion, passion, love, d...