Alejandro Obregon (English version)

"Hay que aprender a escuchar el lado secreto de las cosas"
Alejandro Obregon

"We have to learn to listen to the hidden side of everything"
Alejandro Obregon

For a long time the art of Alejandro Obregón seemed to me the most needed reference in the Latin American art universe, a very strong and complete plastic figure of a vigorous temperament and individualistic temperament. Artist and Art that jointly made a full personality of passion and force without limitations. Self-taught artist, intuitive, orphan of a true school and unquestionable teacher of his own freedom of expression and artistic development.

An important place in the fine arts world of the Americas and the entire world was constituted soon. The first time that I faced that burst of pure and passion color, it made me feel that my attempts to turn into an artist were one hundred percent valid and necessary to continue existing in this material world.

It was at the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City, my native city. I was there the whole day looking and examining work by work and returning to look at them one thousand times. It was the most glorious day of my artistic beginnings, and it taught me something very important that even today I profess and apply whenever I lock up myself in my studio, with enormous honesty our great Obregon always looked for the most authentic way to express himself without relying on fashions or external vanities. This lesson of art, which I learned in a Museum, (which in my opinion they are the best Art Academies) that I will never forget and it shaped my humble artistic trajectory.

Today I wanted to share with all of you one of the greatest Artists that our beautiful Latin America has given. An Artist truly committed with his Latin American blood, his art, his time and himself, being always faithful and sincere to his work as a painter."

Belinda Shinshillas

Please visit this link:


Todd Camplin said…
I love the webpage you directed me to. The process of the painting was very fun to see. Thanks.

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