El Retrato
El retrato en mi opinión personal debe ser acerca del ser al cual se esta retratando, hay ciertos rasgos únicos, pero hay solo un alma para cada persona, única y diferente es la esencia del ser. Sin encontrarla se pierde la verdad en el retrato, si la persona puede mirar su alma, su esencia, esa que solo ella conoce y que el artista reconoce dentro del retrato, entonces el retrato vive cumpliendo su misión. La misión de un retrato es la de recordar a su dueño (la persona que se retrata) cuando le mira, que bella y profunda es su alma.
Portraiture in my personal opinion must be about the soul of the person of which the artist has portrayed, there are certain unique characteristics, but there is just a single soul for each person, unique and different, it is the essence of the being. Without finding the true essence, the portrait is lost, only when the person can see the soul that the artist recognizes within the portrait, then the portrait lives fulfilling its mission. The mission of a portrait is to tell its owner (the person who has been portrayed) when he or she looks at it, how beautiful and deep his or her soul is.
Portraiture in my personal opinion must be about the soul of the person of which the artist has portrayed, there are certain unique characteristics, but there is just a single soul for each person, unique and different, it is the essence of the being. Without finding the true essence, the portrait is lost, only when the person can see the soul that the artist recognizes within the portrait, then the portrait lives fulfilling its mission. The mission of a portrait is to tell its owner (the person who has been portrayed) when he or she looks at it, how beautiful and deep his or her soul is.